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Norwegian Salmon in Garlic Chilli Sauce

calendar Aug 23, 2021

CHNG Kee's sauce(s) used:

  • CHNG Kee’s Light Soya Sauce

  • CHNG Kee’s Garlic Ginger Chilli Sauce

Cooking Method

  1. Marinate Norwegian salmon fillet with CHNG Kee’s Light Soya Sauce, and heat up cooking oil.

  2. Pan-fry salmon fillet, and set aside.

  3. Pour CHNG Kee’s Garlic Ginger Chilli Sauce into pan, and add lime juice and MSG to taste.

  4. Pour sauce over salmon fillet, and serve.


  • 1/3 jar CHNG Kee’s Garlic Ginger Chilli Sauce
  • 1 tbsp CHNG Kee’s Light Soya Sauce
  • 300 gm Norwegian salmon fillet
  • Cooking oil
  • Lime juice
  • MSG
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